
By H22

Place: Largo, FL 78/92 > Gulfport, FL 78/90
Main activity: Mon - busy, packing and work
Notes: Up ~5a and pretty much busy all day. Worked on SpeakOUT website and flyer and created one for the Gulfport Library. Got a short pool stint in before 11a. Lots of packing, organizing, etc and work and Zoom w/ the OUT Board for Gayla wrap-up in between. Also mail, garbage, recycling, keys to Eric & Linda, etc, etc. Finally was able to pull out ~ 340p. Not a great drive down and so stinking hot. Got to Ellen's 415p or so, she helped me wagon almost everything up to the 4th floor of her building. Relaxing night, Susan came over for a bit and then I showered and we watched some TV and relaxed. Storms came in and saw a bit of the lightning show - very cool! Felt late and very tired but didn't sleep great.

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