
By amandoAlentejo

Birthday Boy

So grateful to be here for Paul's birthday. All the family contributing for a fun, stress-free celebration. Excuse the lack of tripod, but captures the atmosphere, with his wife, sisters and brothers-in-law. Out of photo, aunt, uncles, parents and nephew and nieces.

Delicious barbecue, expertly lit by Mike and mostly cooked by Sam, salads by Julia, drinks by Dave and Leyna, cake by Mum - our traditional chocolate and raspberry torte, recipe here, should you be interested in the easiest cake ever (I put a lot more raspberries, and more on top, sprinkled with icing sugar and toasted almonds.).

- Paul, so grateful for the son we have been given
- catch-up over coffee with G&H this morning
- a growing family, all pulling together

Here an account of his birth thirty-two years ago, if interested.

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