Ramblings and Mutterings

By ValleyAllBlack

You can go the wong way

A busy day.

This investigation keeps opening other avenues to explore. It's proving to be a challenge.

Had some good discussions though.

Had a couple of interviews as well, and I think we may have our candidate now. Will find out tomorrow after we've slept on it.

Managed a good power ramble at lunchtime. The pollution incident from yesterday has gone and apparently it was a household discharging paint waste into the drains. Natural Resource Wales have warned them, that if it happens again they will be prosecuted.

And so to the title of today's blip. A couple of our social media posts for our sister companies went out on LinkedIn today with spelling mistakes. The best one was instead of Wrong Way, they put Wong Way. Reminded me of the Tony Angelino episode from Only Fools and Horses. Lol!

Today I am thankful for:

1.  A good power ramble
2.  Many laughs after I was reminded of the Tony Angelino episode

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