Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR


Another cool day but at least we had more sunshine. Sadly when I looked at the long term forecast, this cooler than normal weather looks set to last right through June and July...all due to a cold gulfstream that is much further south than is normal for this time of year. I really hope that forecast is wrong as it means we won't be having a proper summer this year.

At my weekly golf session today we practised recovery shots, so went out on to the course and our coach had us hitting balls from deep rough areas and under low hanging trees. It was a lot of fun! Then on my way out when passing the shop, I saw a pair of ladies golf trousers in my favourite brand in the right colour that had been marked down from £110 to £30, what a bargain, I had to buy them as I had been looking for golf trousers for a while. 

I have noticed many baby blue tits and baby robins on the bird feeders, so I filled them up again today which of course attracted the squirrels. I took this photo through the window.

A couple of years ago I took part in a Covid study run by Imperial College, and today I received an email asking me to take part in a further survey, which I thought would be all about Covid. The first bit was about Covid and asked if I had any symptoms etc, then it went into questions about my general health (I could not remember what my blood pressure is), and then it morphed into some very complicated online cognitive tests - what I thought would be a 5 minute survey ended up taking the better part of an hour! Anyway, I scored above average for my age group for the tests for delayed memory, verbal reasoning, mental rotations, planning, but below average for spatial memory and crystallised intelligence (!) which was actually all word definitions and some strange words I had never heard of before. Not sure what they do with that data but it was rather interesting for my own purposes.

Currently reading The Ministry of Time which I am really enjoying, its very different!

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