Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

Geranium Rozanne

We are going to Norfolk this weekend and as we have ordered some outdoor chairs which are being delivered tomorrow morning, we decided to drive there tonight after Gavin gets home from work, as we don't want to miss the delivery.

I therefore have been busy at home all day. After walking Xena this morning I changed the bedding and washed and ironed it, then I cooked supper all ready for an early dinner tonight to eat before we leave. I then packed - no T shirts and shorts as one would expect for this time of year, but rain jackets, jumpers and long walking trousers!

Tommy will come tomorrow evening after work, and the same for Adam and Anna. Inca is busy and Luke and Meriel are going off this weekend on a summer holiday to Croatia so won't be joining us.

I have very much enjoyed watching Lost Boys and Fairies on BBC1. Not only is it about a loving gay relationship and adoption, but it is also about one's Welsh identity. Is anyone else watching it?

These geraniums are currently blooming in my garden, they are pretty hardy and do well no matter how miserable the summer weather is.

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