Life through the lens...

By ValC

The Garden of Gethsemane

Home now after a very enjoyable few days away. 
We called to visit Selby Abbey on the way home as we haven't been for a few years. 

The first thing I noticed as we walked through the doors was this beautiful window.
The first new stained  glass window to be created for the Abbey in 90 years. Dedicated on Palm Sunday this year.
Designed by Helen Whittaker, the window depicts the agony of Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane. 
The window is in memory of the Staniland family and is the gift of Molly Brocklesby née Staniland. 
Helen also created the " Queens Window" unveiled at Westminster Abbey in 2018 and designed by David Hockney. 

The Abbey also contains the 14th century Washington Window.
Thought to commemorate John Wessington Prior of Durham ( 1416 - 1446)
It shows the Washington coat of arms, with three stars above red and white stripes. One of the first known representations of the Stars and Stripes pattern later used for the US flag.
Unfortunately I couldn’t get a good photo of this window.

I have put a couple of extra photos of the Abbey on as extras.
What a wonderful end to our very enjoyable short break, and the sun was shining when we got home!

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