Musing of a Lady

By inkstainedhands


My parents left for France this morning. They're spending the weekend with my sister, Hannah, and decided to break the journey down and are spending the night on route. It means that I have the weekend at home, alone with Little Man.

Little Man had nursery this morning, and loved it, as per normal. I was supposed to go into work but wasn't feeling well, so didn't go in. Instead, I waved my parents off.

We had a lovely time together, after I picked Little Man up from nursery. He refused to sleep and was super hyper when we called my Nana to wish her a happy birthday. He was so tired that he went straight to sleep when I put him into bed.

I took this photo this morning when Little Man and I were walking to nursery. He loves tractors and lorries, so we walked the route where we normally see them on. We saw lots of lorries but no tractors (maybe tomorrow we'll be more fortunate). As we were crossing the bridge, I saw the sun reflected in the river, the Hollandse IJssel, and had to take a photo.

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