These are the days...

By ashcroftkiddos

Noodle Monster

We had spaghetti tonight! It's Hannah's favorite and was requested by George who is up here putting in a sprinkler system for us! So, we feasted on pasta.. Miss Hannah here eats a full grown adult serving of pasta and still asks for more! She is a pasta lover to say the least!

My mom and George's mom arrived tonight and they brought gobs of food. SO much so that I feel slightly overwhelmed with the new job of finding creative ways to get it all consumed before it goes to waste. She was wondering what we were eating on the 4th of July and I now know that it will be whatever she brought!

The boys worked on the spinkler system today and got the back yard pipes in. They still have clean up to do and the front yard, but it's thriling to know we'll have automatic sprinklers in no time! heee haw!

Both kids are sleeping in our room tonight. Mia is cuddled up as close to my side of the bed as possible and TYler as close to Dad's side as possible. They are so looking forward to watching the fireworks (and staying up late) that they went right to bed.! Goodnight all and Happy 4th of July!

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