Mother Shipton

By MotherShipton


My garden is covered in hawkweeds which don't seem to mind the rain. A catching up kind of a day.

I have recently been thinking of making my journal private, I do like new followers as I really enjoy speaking to people. I however take exception to new followers who don't speak at all and have a private journal which I cannot access even when I request it. Surely this is bad manners in the least and it gives me the creeps because I then wonder who on earth is following me? I know people can find you without putting in a follow request but I now realise that once I accept that request there is no way to unaccept it or does anyone know how to do that? Also even if I go private now I cannot remove that person. Maybe I will need to go down the route of having a new private journal as I see some of my blipmates doing. Shame because I am a sociable person. Any advice welcome

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