
By BoydMcAdam

A rose by any other name …

..would smell as sweet. My sense of smell is dulled again so I can’t comment on this one’s perfume. However its colours are beautiful.

The day on the laptop passed quickly and we had a welcome break with a visit to friends in the afternoon whom we have not seen together for a few years. The wife recently had a heart attack so it was great to see her up and about. A lot of chat and eating, so much so that we spent as long as last night’s meetings. At least I did not have to take the minutes!

Back home to read papers ahead of another church meeting tonight about pioneer ministry then home. At some point today I got chilled and it took the ironing with the 10 o’clock news to warm me up!

Picked 4 strawberries from the patch today. Quite how they have ripened in this cold weather I do not know!

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