Always inconstant...

By bikeyPete

Cloud sailing...

The soft whir of gossamer wings announced the presence of company, how long my dangly legged friend had been trapped in my bathroom is any body's guess. It listed around my head like a cheeky thought, bumping into things. I gently took it in my cupped hand and went to the open window in the bedroom. I blew softly and it floated into the freedom of open air.

I feel like that sometimes, trapped with no way out, of course it is only a little moment of frustration....I'm lucky, I know how free I am.

Cycling along the riverside this morning made me feel very free. The summer wind, warm and friendly, brought a soft smile. The sounds of nature, a lullaby for my soul.

The fluffy castles in the sky making islands in the deep sea blue hemisphere.

A good start.....

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