
Unfortunately Dexter is full of cold and has passed it on to me and had a bad night so while he caught up on a bit of sleep Olivia and Hubby did a 10km bike ride on one of the many cycle routes here. We bought Olivia a new (well second hand but looks like new!) bike a couple of weeks ago and she has been keen to get out on it. I was worried how she would cope but Hubby came back glowing saying she was amazing. In fact she was so confident that at one point she claimed she found cycling so easy that she could do it with one eye closed and then she nearly fell down a ditch at the side of the cycle path! You could tell that she really enjoyed it as she was excited to tell me that a man cycled past her and then slowed down to look at her and say "Bravo!"

Dex seemed much better after his sleep so we got kitted out in swim attire and headed for some fun at the hundreds of pools (not quite 100 but I think there are approximately 7 which is more than enough for us).

Late afternoon we went out to explore the area where hubby used to holiday and he showed us the apartment that his family used to own and the wall where he used to play tennis etc. We then had an explore and went for a meal and then a play on the beach. The kids are certainly getting into the holiday spirit as they are starting to go to bed at 10pm and Olivia loves being up late with us! We're really enjoying it as well as it means we can do things all together in the evenings.

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