
By pandieb


A quiet day. Allotment grass (the Forth bridge springs to mind), a few cross words at (a) the slugs that have eaten all my beans and (b) the - pressumed - fox that knocked the slug pellet container over and spilt them all, some weeding and then home to a bit of crochet. The promised rain didn't happen and it's even been quite warm in the sun.

Himself had to go back to his Mum's house to collect the milk he forgot on Monday and check the bins had been emptied. We weren't sure as it seems someone (neighbour?) keeps putting stuff in them and noone is there frequently enough to check. When we are there, we need the bin! 

He got part way home and realised he'd forgotten the milk! Worse, he'd taken it out of the fridge (so as not to forget it). He went back.

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