
By fennerpearson


Yesterday was the Minx's mum's birthday, and today is the miniMinx's final show at college. Plus, we are celebrating her being awarded a 2.1 in her degree :-)

Hannah and I went for a run first thing, and then we all set off for Leicester: me, the Minx, Hannah, and the Minx's mum.

Lord, it's a boring drive but with four of us chatting away in the car, it passed quickly enough and we made it to our seats with about ten minutes to spare.

The shows are, perhaps inevitably, of varying quality, but I enjoyed a few numbers and, of course, seeing the miniMinx dance. Hannah, on the other hand, who did a BTEC in Performing Arts, appeared to enjoy every moment. 

Once the show was over, we went to a restaurant called The Merchant Of Venice for birthday and graduations celebrations, and, while the food was good, I was somewhat distracted by the fact that they had the same song on repeat the whole time we were there. 

This was literally the only photo I took all day, as we were either driving or in the show (where I couldn't take photos). I tried the Sicilian beer with a review to telling Paolo about it at my next guitar lesson. (It was pretty good.)

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