
By fennerpearson

Courtyard at Islington Mill

After a busy day, yesterday - even if it was mostly sitting in the car - we opted for a more relaxed time, today.

I spent most of the afternoon in the studio, finishing off a track called '1057 Atome (für Cecilia Payne-Gaposchkin)'.

The first part of the title is from my favourite ever correction in The Guardian. At the bottom of an article about the sun, the text read something like "the sun is estimated to contain 10 to the power of 57 atoms, and not 1057 atoms as originally printed".

As for Cecilia Payne-Gaposchkin, she was an astrophysicist, and she was the first person to propose that the sun consists of hydrogen and helium. However, prior to that, she didn't didn't receive a degree from Cambridge because the university didn't award them to women at the time. 

The sharp end of sexism continued to torment her when her doctoral dissertation regarding the composition of stars was initially dismissed by Henry Norris Russell, although credit later went to him when he arrived at the same conclusion, allegedly by a different method. 

Thankfully, justice was ultimately done and in the end credit returned to its rightful owner!

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