Snapshots of my world

By yeeeeed

Frikend Calling!

Heavy showers and torrential downpours...but also if you're lucky you catch beautiful blue skies and some sunshine, with a chilly wind. I think the changeable skies are reflecting in the lovely fluffy clouds.

I'm so lucky to live on Roper Lane and therefore this view is something I am spoilt by really, however I don't actually think I ever take it for granted. It's important not to become complacent about it!

I left school feeling proud of my little troopers today. They all wrote the most incredible pieces of writing about what they imagined a day in the life of The Demon Headmaster might look like. They all used paragraphs, subordinating conjunctions, front adverbials (yes the grammar curriculum is madness!), commas and used a dictionary to find any words they felt nervous about spelling.

As I said to them, it's very rare you can sense a buzz of excitement and focus throughout the entire classroom from every child with every single child producing something to be truly proud of as they closed their books at the end of the lesson.

A great way to round off the week!

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