The Next Chapter!

By carol_dunham


……………………………….display greeting me when I arrived home this afternoon…plus one of the Christmas cacti is also in flower!

We were up and had the cars packed in record time this morning and L and I were on the road home by 10am. I think the boys went out for breakfast first and they also called at the Samye Ling centre on their way home. L was poorly overnight which meant I had to drive us, luckily I’m already named on her insurance policy but her car is like driving a tank compared to mine!  We had an hour stopover in Langholm for some sustenance and arrived at mine just before 2pm and once my chattels were unloaded L headed straight home.

I was unpacked, put away and the washer loaded before MC brought my car back. We had a quick trip around M&S before he was dropped off and I headed home. It’s going to be an early night tonight I think, it’s along time since I’ve driven that far and I’m shattered!

Thanks to BikerBear for hosting Flower Friday.

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