
By TrishaR

Evening Walk

This picture gives me joy as Lucca is now confident enough to walk in front of me , sniffing and enjoying the freedom. Before she stayed close by my side so its progress.

This morning I met four other ladies from the GFY Club. The venue was The Eatrium in Gillies Furniture Shop. It’s a nice venue overlooking the concert hall but the scone was heated for too long in the microwave and was chewy. Quite a good chat. Although when one lady mentioned she doesn’t sleep too well another lady, Jenny, said it was due to the Solar Storms! I had no idea what she meant and she went in to explain it’s the cause of a lot of issues in people…….

I walked home and arrived just before the heavens opened and thunder and lightning started.

I had Ben and his fellow Ad Lib actor Stewart here for spag bolognaise. They snapped it up.

Lucca and I had our long walk some in the rain some dry.

Scotland played tonight……

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