
By HarryJ

A different era

St Pauls looks much the same today, (with the obvious exception of the car,  Model T?), as it did when this photo was taken certainly 100+ years ago. It's being replaced, a new St Pauls will open sometime in 2025, it's current site sold for $850 million and this site will be home to new residential appartments.
I gave myself 75 minutes to get there from Langley, it was barely enough as I walked through the doors 15 minutes after my scheduled arrival time of 10.45. 
I half expected them to say "you're out of luck mate, you're late," but they didnt.
Literally 4 minutes after checking in, I was taken into the procedure room where the hip injection took place. BY 11.30 I was back out on the street again. The vast, immediate difference these steroid injections make has to be felt to be believed.
It's also a different era in more ways than one. In downtown Vancouver, I doubt if I saw a handful of people over 40, and the number of 20 year olds on bikes or electric scooters with DoorDash backpacks brought home the fact that I am now officialy a dinosaur. Its the young that rule the world now.
So with a toothless T Rex growl, I went back to Langley and carried on with my day.

Ah well...

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