
By Groggster

How To Spot A Unicorn

Today we took another short drive out to Ryarsh, initially for a quick pint at the Duke of Wellington and then to continue our churchyard tour (maybe we should get some t-shirts printed!).
We enjoyed our pints sitting in the lovely garden at the Duke Of Welly even if it was rather chilly and blustery for the first week of June. It was then a small drive back out of the village itself and along a narrow lane to the wonderfully atmospheric church of St Martins and its encompassing churchyard.
Having taken in such characterful surroundings and been enchanted by its setting I still somehow again managed to take two images which included neither the church or the churchyard!
I'd been walking out towards the perimeter of the church grounds when I spotted a tiny splash of pink in the distance and as I got closer I could see that it was a little lost toy unicorn. There was something slightly forlorn about it and it just stood out against that dark background of a wooded area just behind the church. I hope at some point its owner will retrace their steps and be reunited with their diminutive companion.
My extra was taken just outside the church gates, where I came across the decaying tree trunk, with a look back towards the lane that we took to get to the church.

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