
By Groggster

Street Scenes

I had to go into town today to pay in an insurance rebate cheque which came completely out of the blue and, was very pleasantly not for an insubstantial amount of money, so feeling rather fortunate and taking the refund as a good omen I thought I should chance my arm at some street photography again.
Me and my brother have been watching quite a few street photography videos on you tube recently and after a fortifying 'Spoons breakfast and an early pint we felt brave enough to head out onto the 'mean streets' of Maidstone to try and get some images. With some of the hints and tips from the you tube videos I suddenly started seeing images everywhere!
One suggestion is to look for repeating colours when framing a shot which is what I've tried to capture in my main image. I noticed this woman standing partially hidden in a shop doorway and saw the splash of yellow on part of her mobile phone matched the yellow of an advertisement on a passing bus reflected in a shop window and the window frame on the far left of the shot and combining this with her red hair, pink hair grip, one green fingernail and jazzy trousers picked out against the adjacent blue tiles really made this scene stand out for me.
My first extra is playing on a warning sign outside a workwear shop instructing children to abstain from attempting to clamber upon the on site scaffolding - when I crouched down to get my shot I could see the reflection of my feet sticking out the bottom of the yellow jacket in the window display and it looked like a small child in outsized clothing intent in disobeying such a forbidding command! :-)
My second extra is all about the juxtaposition from one side of the image to the other. The right hand side shows a sharply focused image of the little girl surrounded by bubbles whilst the left hand side has spots from the neck of a dinosaur shaped balloon in the shop next door with the blurred reflections of passers-by acting as a contrast. 
My attempts at street photography are very much a work in progress but I really enjoyed giving it another try!

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