The Hazyland Boys

By TheHazylandBoys

Wet Wet Wet

It has been a crazy day

We got up at 4 AM and left home at 5 after a morning walk. I had breakfast in the car as I drove across Denmark over 2 bridges to Vejen in Jylland (the main land of Denmark).

We had the only outdoor show this year today and the weather was horrid! The judges had to adapt their scores so that costumes were not a part of the judging today as our rather delicate costumes would not have coped well with the rain. 

My clothes were wet through, when I was done with my 4 performances. Luckily I had drying coats in the car for the boys as they were soaked too. I also had dry clothes for myself as the weather forecast had warned us beforehand. 

Lots of cars were stuck in the mud in the afternoon, when it was time to go home. Luckily not mine!

We arrived home at 5 PM after a successful day - the boys did their best despite the really bad weather and Gollum got a 1st in the Advanced Freestyle and a 2nd in the Advanced Heelwork To Music. He had thunder over his head during the Heelwork routine!!! Such a good boy!!!
Xmas got a 2nd in the Advanced Freestyle (only beaten by Gollum) and Tango got a 3rd in the Novice Freestyle. 

I collected a parcel on the way home. It was a light mat that I had ordered for the boys last week. It will help the boys with sore muscles and other smaller injuries. You can read about it here!

Xmas tested it when we came home and seemed to like it. See the extra - you can see the red light from the mat behind him. I will let Gollum and Tango test it too. 

Happy Weekend
Emmy and the Hazyland Boys

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