
By ZE1Christie

Summer at Bain's Beach

A rainy morning, drier in the afternoon, then more showers, drier again this evening.  Low cloud and mist around, lifting tonight.  Windy to calm. 

Up early, a morning puttering about the house.  Popped by Madeline's for a cuppa.  Met friend Julie for walkies when the rain cleared.  Nipped down to Laura's, then into Lerwick for some shopping.  More walkies.  Me, peerie Brian, Madeline and big Brian headed out to the Haaf restaurant for a tasty meal this evening.  Last walkies of the day, then might try a pint later.

Nipped into town for some shopping, couldn't find anything I was after, but had a fine walk around while there.  I spied a cruise ship through the mist, thankfully I'd missed the masses, they were getting ready to steam away.  Sadly another day of dirt, must be a shame for their holiday snaps.  Looking towards the ship, from Bain's Beach, Lerwick.  

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