
By ZE1Christie

Sunday Teas Volunteers

A breezy morning, warmer and sunshine.  Clouded over in the afternoon, and a heavy shower.  A calm and beautiful sunny evening. 

Up fairly early for a Sunday, washing out and then walkies with Sammy.  Popped by Madeline's for a cuppa.  Another load on the line, then headed to the peat hill.  Peats are still soaking.  Me, peerie Brian and Julie headed to the Sunday Teas in the afternoon.  Me and Julie took the dogs for a walk before teatime.  Typical, I missed the beautiful evening, I was working in the shop, and a busy night.  More walkies, then feet up. 

Today's Sunday Teas were in aid of the hall funds, for maintenance etc.  A lot of hard work goes into the Teas, as many volunteers as possible for the homebakes, which were delicious, and then volunteers are needed to lay out the goods, raffles, in the kitchen preparing tea and coffee, dishes etc.  Then you need people out on the floor, clearing tables, setting tables, and of course, pouring the teapots.  The hall was packed with happy customers, they even arrived 40 mins early today.  Here's a happy couple volunteering, Amanda and Peter Tait, both of Trondra, in the Trondra Hall.  

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