
By hazelh

Red poppy success

I have blipped red poppies several times in the past, but never from a plant in my own garden. At last, it looks like my efforts to grow my own have been rewarded - and not long after my success with orange ones. I'll have to try blue poppies next!

As was the case yesterday, I only left the house today to find a blip. However, I am definitely on the mend. 

Since 6:00am I have been at my computer (mainly) trying to catch up on a lot of online admin, some work-related, some personal, and some for Mummy hazelh. The only break that I have taken today has been to watch a couple of episodes of Traitors US after lunch. 

I still have some way to go before I am back on an even keel - both in terms of my health and my workload - but I am hopeful that I will get there by the middle of next week.

Exercise today: none.

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