
By KimberlyJenkins

Last Day of School

I'M SORRY I HAVE BEEN IN BERLIN AND DIDN'T THINK WE WOULD HAVE WIFI SO I DIDN'T BRING MY COMPUTER BUT IT TURNS OUT WE DID HAVE IT SO I HAVEN'T BEEN POSTING. my bad. I will catch up now and hopefully will remember everything. Friday, we woke up around 8ish and went to school. The last day of school!!! I think I was more excited than Franzie, to be honest. ha. Our first class was German in which we had a double block of breakfast. nom (: I kinda just sat there while everyone talked though as I've found that people talk a lot faster in groups. meh. After this we went to what they call the "Tutor" class, but is what I believe to be the American equivalent to homeroom. Here they got their report cards and, just like an american homeroom, everyone compared their grades to see who did the best. Franzies was very good, but the number of absences listed on her report was apparently wrong. This made her very nervous and mad because she has to compose her resume this summer in order to get a job next year and the large number of absences will look very bad for job prospectives. In an hours time, we waited on her teacher to try and clear everything up, but she was no help, and went to an office to talk to someone about the correction but there was nothing he could do as it was final in the computer and there was no proof of her attendance. This is something that is very strict in American schools, more so that students don't skip, but there would not have been a mistake to this magnitude in my old high school. I felt bad for Franzie, but we then went to a cafe with Joanna and Selena. Selena left early and was very quiet, but Joanna was very talkative but shy with me and mostly talked to Franzie. When Franzie wasn't there we talked in English, because she is originally from Cambridge and English is a lot easier for both of us! It was nice, and her accent is AWESOME. (: I love listening to english accents, they're so fancy. ha. After this, Franzie and I looked in some shops, at ice cream (above), and then went to Marius' house. I met his sister and mom (as his parents are divorced). His mom was very quiet, but his sister was fascinated with my American origins. haha. During the movie, she would always look up at me to see if I was laughing during the funny parts and to see if I understood. The only question she asked me was if I had a boyfriend, I said no, and then asked her the same. She answered yes, but then Marius told me/her that no, she doesn't and they argued over that for a while. ha, typical siblings. After the movie, Marius, Franzie, and I walked to the grocery store and bought alcohol as a gift for the birthday party that night. We walked back, got our things, and then met up with Richard and Franz to go eat at Chevys. Chevys is an "American style" restaurant in Marburg themed after the Chevy cars. It's a really cool place, and nice of them to want to go there with me, but it was not very American....ha. We ate hamburgers and hung out there. I looked at the Heinz 57 bottle and was reminded of the Jimmy Buffet song "Cheeseburger in Paradise". In the mindset of being in the south, I asked Franzie if she knew of the maker, Heinz 57.....yep. With Heinz in the name I really should've known. They (playfully) made fun of me and told me about all the things that Germany has invented, and I nicely reminded them that America is the sole maker of Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, and Star Trek. An even match (: It was nice to be able to play back. ha. We headed to the party next which was a lot different from the other party. It was a lot smaller and seemed to be with close it ended up being a little awkward. I mostly sat around and tried to understand conversations until Maddie and Hanna got there and then hung out with Maddie most of the night. Maddie is awesome and a lot of fun to hang out with, so the party ended up being a lot of fun. We also hung out with one of the birthday people Andreas and some of the other people around. I was also asked if I was the sister of someone by a super attractive guy, I replied no, I'm Franzie's exchange student and then we talked for most of the rest of the night about where I'm from and how he lived in New York for a year. Because of this we were able to talk in English. He was super nice and at the end of the night ended up walking me to the car and then hugging goodbye. I know, its not anything special, but it was still fun ;) shout-out to you Florian. After this we went home and went to bed because we were getting up early the next day for Berlin!

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