
By KimberlyJenkins

"Mr. Blue Sky"

Happy 4th of July everyone!!! The song "Mr. Blue Sky" by Electric Light Orchestra was my theme song for today. Everyone should love this song. Today was awesome! Its not that we did a whole lot, and it wasn't by its self epic, but my mood alone made everything great! In comparison to yesterday, you would've thought I was a different person. I don't know what it was, but everything was just fun today, so I've decided that I will have no more bad mood days. I'm only here for a short amount of time and I can't afford to be whiney, that would suck. Y'all can hold me responsible if I post something later where I should really just lighten up. New goal, set. (: Anyways, woke up this morning at 10 (that may have had a lot to do with my good mood...) and ate then headed to the bus and went to school. First class was Religion where we all sat in a circle and they discussed their upcoming exam and what to expect. At the end of class, the teacher asked me (in front of everyone) where I was from again, how long I was staying, and what I thought of the german schools....and....I UNDERSTOOD EVERYTHING. It was really exciting seeing as this was in front of the entire class. yussss. After class we had a longgggg break in between the next class so we sat around and talked and hung out...and I beat my best time on solitaire. ha. 3 min 30 seconds. boom. It was finally time for Politics and we got there and she said that instead of class we should all go get coffee. This sort of thing really needs to happen in America. Anyways, we all talked and drank coffee, I talked/laughed with a super cute boy (yuss), and was able to talk with the teacher about her visit to America as she insisted on speaking english. Its really convenient that just about every German can speak english. I'm spoiled in that way. It was a lot of fun! We then went to catch the bus to go home and I was able to catch up with some friends from home before the whole family rode bikes to Kirchain. It was somewhat of a haul, BUT there were no hills, so I could've ridden forever. Living by the beach on flat land has made riding bikes on hills torture. We ate Döners (my other favorite German food, along with bread...) and then got ice cream. I had a lot of energy and was able to joke around with the family and be fully involved. It was perfect. (: We rode back to the house and somewhat planned our upcoming trip to Berlin, but I went downstairs early to shower and write this and hopefully catch some more sleep for the weekend! I hope your day was as great as mine!

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