a lifetime burning

By Sheol

Sun bather

This weekend, our daughter Jess has been having her Hen do at the Cotswold Water Park- it is now only a month before the wedding.  Her cousin Charlie has come back from Lisbon as one of the Bridesmaids to help organise the shenanigans with Pippa, the other Bridesmaid. 

From the sound of things the two Bridesmaids did a tremendous job and they've had an absolutely wonderful time.  This afternoon Cathy and my sister Janet (Charlie's Mum) took them all out for a cream tea, to "round off" the weekend.

Which meant that poor old me (cue violins please) had to have Father's Day all on his own....  It has been a very relaxing Sunday, indeed, it was only at 4:30pm that I remembered I needed to blip something - after a quick look around the garden for inspiration here is an azure damselfly, resting on a leaf.  

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