a lifetime burning

By Sheol


Today's blip is of a female chaffinch, taken under the feeder in the garden.  Not the most exciting of shots, but I'm still busy trying to work my way through the 8,000 odd shots that I took last week.  I'm down to the last 1,000 but need to be far more ruthless as I don't imagine I will want more than 50.

While I was having breakfast this morning, looking out at the garden, we were visited by a family of chaffinches, Mum and Dad and two fledglings.  It was only as I watched them that I realised we also had two greater spotted woodpeckers in the garden, one on the feeder (hoovering up the sunflower heats as if they were going out of fashion) and one on the tree trunk next to it.  I wondered if one might have been a juvenile - it's that time of year and the woodpeckers divide up their brood for care, once they are fledged, some with Dad and some with Mum.

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