Musing of a Lady

By inkstainedhands

Self Portrait

It's been a while since I posted one of myself. So here I am, when Little Man and I went for a walk after he'd gotten up after his sleep.

We went to church this morning. We got a lift with friends as my parents are away in Paris for the weekend with my sister, Hannah. It was a lovely service. Little Man went to crèche and had a lot of fun, as normal. We came home and Little Man went to bed as he was quite tired. He slept for a solid 2½ hours. We then went for a walk (when I took this photo) to get some permanent markers. We came home and had leftovers for dinner. Bathtime and bed then followed.

I've spent the evening painting and writing in my journal. I've not had the opportunity to write longer entries recently as my parents are a tad suspicious of what I write about and they have been known to ask (and try to peak over my shoulder).

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