Sooth Biggins

A beautiful sunny day, and really warm again.  There has been a fair breeze, and much cooler tonight. 

Up early, and headed into Lerwick for breakfast at the Harbour Café, and some shopping.  Me, peerie Brian and Sammy packed up the boat, and headed to Foula.  On our way we came across a pod of risso dolphins.  Friend Lynn Robertson met us at the pier, and gave us a lift to the campsite.  Setup the tent, and explored the island again.  A relaxing night in the tent and a cool beer.

All the house and garden jobs were put on hold for the weekend, we couldn't turndown an opportunity like this to head out on the boat.  Perfect weather for a weekend camping.  After we could settled in, we headed out for a walk with Sammy along the road, south to the Biggins.  We took our time, and let Sammy rest plenty.  A good night's rest, and more exploring tomorrow.  Looking at the back of the South Biggins croft house, Foula. 

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