
By middleman


After my youngest made me pancakes for a Father's Day breakfast, and then presented me with a card and Jeremy Deller's 'Art Is Magic' book, it was time to pack a bag and skedaddle down to Waverley for the noon departure...down to Hull to see my folks for a couple of nights.

Pic here shows me with some choice Yorkshire-based reading material on the rather empty Northern Trains service from York to Hull. Considerably more peaceful and generally relaxing than the massively congested LNER London-bound train I'd just been on where, thanks to cancellations and the like, it was standing room only for a fair few folk, some of whom were starting to lose their shit a little. I felt for them. Not so much that I moved one inch from my reserved seat but still...

Football in the evening. England won but not hugely convincingly so. But they did enough, and I'll take that completely right now.


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