
By Teasel

Three Trees

Another day at work, with plenty going on to keep me busy.  There was much chat of the Taylor Swift concerts, as a few colleagues had been and were comparing notes.  In fact there was quite a lot of chat all round – which was really nice.
Instead of joining colleague on the wellness walk at lunchtime,  I had to pop out to the optician to see if they could fix my glasses.  Not only did they fix them, they did it there and then, with only a short wait – which was great. 
I caught the same bus as TT tonight, so we travelled home together.  I made him chat, which completely ruined his journey, as he likes to put his headphones on, and get his book out.
We had curry for tea, then later I popped out for a walk, and I watched four hares running around a nearby field. I came home and started to watch TV, but fell asleep on the sofa.
There was a lovely sky again this evening, with shades of pink.

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