Life of a bubble maker

By redditchrascal

Polar bears

Day 4. Had a bad nights sleep as I was feeling worse this morning and thinking about having a morning in bed to feel better as the plan was to have a landing to look for flowers and along the shoreline. The tanoy came alive earlier than expected to say they had just found then first polar bear of the trip at a place called Woodfjorden. Forced myself out of bed, had some painkiller and went on deck for a look. Managed to see the bear but it was a long way off. After breakfast we headed out in the zodiac’s to have a look at the bear, by the time we got there another bear had come along and they believe it was mother and last years cub. They were on the shoreline feeding on an old white beaked dolphin carcass. We had a great 2 hours driving up and down taking photos. Back to the ship for a lie down and J went to the talk on ice shelves, which was interrupted by a sighting of a Minky whale. After lunch we had the first landing of the trip at Jotunkeldene to see a very small hot spring up the side of the fjord. Back for dinner and another game of the polar bears before we passed over 80° North around 9.30pm. Great day

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