
By Wanderers13

Up Hill, down Dale, across Moors and WIFI

Since leaving Cumbria on Saturday we have crossed the Pennines, visited Washington wetlands, wandered around Durham and today covered some of the narrow roads on the North Yorkshire moors. All of which are beautiful.

Some weeks ago we contacted BT and booked a date to connect to their Broad Band system. We are interested for two reasons: to gain access to BT wifi hotspots around the UK and Europe when out and about in the big van and the deal they have to show Moto GP on the television. I cannot begin to go into the hassle they have caused through their poor communication system - in the real sense - of one department not communicating with another. Our departure date from Mull was looming and I cancelled the agreement stating I would 'get back to them' and re order the connection at a later date.

A few days later when staying in Cumbria we received a text and email to say 'you are now connected to BT Broad Band system'. ??? We must have second sight, J had brought along the Wifi equipment required to link us to the hot spots, and to be fair it has operated well enough in some places. But not always, it's a bit like the TV ariel we had a home all those years ago.

To access the wifi J has tried hanging the Directional Ariel from the main door, or inside cupboard or from the back window and in the very early hours of this morning, in order to try ONE more attempt to publish a blip, he wedged it into the sky light. We have found that if the speed is too slow the blip is refused. It worked, the speed moved at one percent at a two second interval. Success.

The blip was taken in a small church yard, the policy of the community was to allow the grass to grow between the more aged headstones. It looked rather good, the beauty of the long grasses around the graves. We liked the aged twisted look of the trunk and the various colours that evolved when looking at the shot.

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