
By Stella2

View through the window

Today was the last of the higher temperatures ie up to 33C. We shared a taxi with our friends to the nearby town of Hora. As we visited the Venetian castle a few days ago we decided to wander around the streets and backstreets in the centre. It’s a mixture of well cared for properties some fairly grand and some derelict ones. As a photographer l am drawn to the derelict though so will include an assortment. It was fairly early in the morning and the streets fairly empty with shops putting out their wares.

We returned to the square for a coffee where we bumped into our friends. They had just been to the museum and that was where we headed to next.

The museum was full of historic information with details of where Minoan and Mycenaean relics were found on the island and then details up to the current time. A lot of information and worth revisiting as there is only so much you can retain.

We met up with our friends for lunch in a taverna and returned by taxi.

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