By greengirl


No need to ram them :-(

My sister and I encountered these cows on our walk by the River Ouse. After wed taken their photos, we said “Excuse me!” and they allowed us past. Of course, we made sure first that they were friendly and we kept a respectful distance.

Our walk took us past two beautiful old churches (Southease - see extea - and Rodmell) and Monk’s House, where Virginia Woolf’ once lived. We had a bowl of soup afterwards at the Youth Hostel. A lovely morning. Before I met my sister, I had spent an hour wandering around Lewes, which is such an interesting town. It also has my favourite Waterstones, which I browsed in until I felt quite dizzy with all the possibilities and inspiration that books open up.

After the walk, my sister took me back to Mum and Dad’s where we had a cup of tea and then she had to return to her work in Lewes. Mum and I finished another jigsaw and then I cooked our tea. It’s my last night here before I return home tomorrow.

I went out for some fresh air before bedtime and saw the fox. He/she was waiting for the food which my Mum puts out every night :-)

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