
By PicturePoems

Purple Poppy

Purple, crimson, vermillion ... whatever their colour, I just love poppies! These purple ones are suddenly opening in odd spots in the garden.

Spent a large chunk of today at our daughter's. Little Miss B is in the process of changing bedrooms and is totally committed to creating her own, perfect space. She showed me round very proudly after school today.

Our daughter is totally committed to having a clear-out in the process, which meant I was looking after the young master all day (till his sleep), and Mr PP was busy doing household chores to free up Mrs B to concentrate on upstairs. 

Soon after she'd come down for lunch, it was time for the little one to go up for his sleep. His mum announced her intention to rock him to sleep despite her swollen wrists, at which point he held his arms out to me (!) So up I went with him - rocked him and made sleepy sounds in his ear till his eyes grew heavy. Once they had closed I lowered him into his cot and he stayed asleep. Felt so proud and, indeed, privileged. Think my arms have grown a few inches, mind you!

We had had a play in the garden before the rain, and it's now back to beautiful sunshine, though I've just woken up after a snooze myself. Somehow, I don't think it will stop me sleeping tonight!

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