
By PicturePoems

Send in the clowns

I love watching the antics of jackdaws. Two arrived at the main feeding station today, and were repeatedly joined by a woodpigeon. Or at least, it tried to join them, but didn't get very far. Not that the corvids fared much better: they were too big to perch and collect any food despite their best efforts. 

That was this morning. This afternoon I spent for the second occasion at my new line dancing class. I'm still going to my Thursday morning class, but this one is in addition, and teaches slightly harder dances. They also do a few without walking them through where they've already learnt the steps, so I sit some out. But it complements the Thursday class well, and means I'm dancing twice a week. (I've sadly given up on the Monday one in our village as it's simply too loud. Reminds me of 1960s' discos, and it's clearly not going to change. Even earplugs don't reduce the volume enough to be bearable.) No matter! I do need to save some energy for gardening and grannying - and as Monday's the chief Granny Day, it's perhaps for the best.

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