
By ZE1Christie

Summer in da Morning

A beautiful sunny morning, warm too.  Drizzle showers in the afternoon, a cloudy but dry evening. 

Up early, popped by Madeline's before heading to work, 12hr late shift in the airport.  A busy start to the day, but eased off.  A day working on the check-in desk, all flights on time.  Walkies with Sammy, now feet up. 

A lovely summer's morning.  I wasn't expecting it to be so nice.  Sunshine, blue skies and warmth on the skin.  After I came back from lunch, it wasn't long before summer was over, again, showers came in.  I know June is a hit or a miss for Shetland, sadly this year seems to be a miss.  Traffic flowing faster along the resurfaced roads, although a 20mph is still in place.  Glad I took a quick snap of the blue skies on my way to work.  Taken along the A970 Mail junction, south Cunningsburgh.

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