Le Petit Train de La Rhune

La Rhune is the first summit in the Pyrenees mountain range and overlooks the Basque Country from a height of 905m, therefore offering fantastic views. We caught an authentic vintage train with cog wheels dating back from 1924 to reach the summit. The kids were very excited to be going on a train and once at the top we were able to stroke the tiny Basque ponies who roam about freely. So yes, it's another blip of me which I'm not sure is allowed but I've been determined to get some photos of me with the kids on this holiday!

The kids slept all the way back in the car which meant we could have another very late night this evening and we ended up eating crepes at 10pm whilst watching karaoke! Olivia was absolutely fascinated by this and asked if she could get up and sing on her own but as it was very late and we didn't know how long she'd have to wait for her turn we told her we could come back another night. I have no idea where she has found this new found confidence but we have been very impressed with the number of friends that she has made of all ages.
The current song that she is planning to sing is 'Drive my car' by The Beatles. It may well be a blip in a few days!

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