and through the wire...

By hesscat

Wowsers - There Goes My Hero

... watch him as he goes...

I've been a fan of the Foo Fighters since they formed in 1994 but for some reason it's taken 30 years for me to go to one of their gigs, and even then it was because Courtney Barnett was supporting them. I'd bought the tickets for Hampden Park a year ago, and leading up to today, I think I've been more focused on how it fitted into our busy weekend, working Friday night, through to Glasgow Saturday, Mrs C's 10K on Sunday, back home, Monday go get Arlo, then the logistics of getting back through to Glasgow. 

So it wasn't until their set started at 8pm and the first couple of songs, and Dave's banter, did it sink in where I was and that I've wanted to do this for so long. The show was outstanding and almost 3 hours on stage... if you asked me now who I'd like to be when I grow up, I'd say Dave Grohl, which might be difficult given he's 4 years younger than me!... what a guy! What. A. Guy! My Hero :-)

And that wasn't all... Courtney was great too, over 4 years since we've seen her. We didn't get through in time for the opener, Honeyblood, you know, logistics and all that, but overall there was almost 4.5 hours of music! I don't think we've any more gigs scheduled in Glasgow at the moment, which is just as well cos it took ages to get out of the city and home! 

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