Sgwarnog: In the Field

By sgwarnog


I had a day off work so 20yo and I headed up to Ilkley for a walk on the moor. We took the steep pull up the old Keighley Road to Cowper’s Cross, across to Buck Stones (main image), down the edge of the plantation, then dropped back across to the north edge of the moor, east to the reservoir and back down into to town.

It stayed overcast for most of the day, but we managed to avoid the day’s main downpours.  Not the conditions for butterflies, but lots of Skylark and Meadow Pipit and a few Red Grouse, Lapwing and Curlew. 

In town, the bonus of what seemed a fresh blue plaque - certainly one that I hadn’t noticed before - for a deserving subject (although no mention of Rosie and Jim).

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