Sgwarnog: In the Field

By sgwarnog


It’s Degree Show week at work, which means that the whole building effectively becomes an open art gallery. Students about to graduate from each of our fifteen undergraduate courses showcase their work.

I find it too much to take in in one go, but I made a start with Fine Art and Visual Communication today and found lots of of inspiring work from a diverse group of students.

Naturally, my eye was drawn to any sgwarnog related content, so today’s image features a hare animatron created by Visual Communication student Charlotte Haxby.

The show is on until Saturday, so if you’re in and around Leeds why not come and spend a couple of hours with some inspiring art, photography, design, animation, fashion, illustration,  film, popular music…, and support the students by picking up some pieces, prints, cards, zines, comics etc. at the pop up Art Market.

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