shotlandka's weebig world

By shotlandka

Park Life

Another beautiful day in Scotland, and a busy one. I'd love to be in the park relaxing (not jogging, like one of the folk in this photo!), but am at home so I have Skype if anyone needs to discuss a funding application we are submitting to DFID this evening. Thankfully I'm not the lead person on this, one of my colleagues is putting the final touches to it, though I do like the relatively cool temperature in my nice stone tenement flat home! 26 degrees is all very well, but I'm Scottish! I quickly unaccustomed myself to those kind of temperatures when I left South Africa aged 6. Which wasn't yesterday!

Hope you're enjoying the weather everyone. I was very pleased to have made it home without significant delay on the train this evening after hearing that Edinburgh has not been so lucky, and the Ayrshire lines are running with speed limits because of the effect of heat on signalling equipment. I am actually entertained by the fact that Scottish trains can't handle our winter or our summer. How on Earth does the Russian system cope with temperatures ranging between -50 and +35, and the trains keep on running!

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