Back in the park
I was at the New Victoria for an x-ray to check my dodgy cough has cleared up as it should - in and out again in 10 minutes, extremely impressive efficiency. But it meant I had some spare time for a wander in the park, and the far side from where I live, rather than the bit I'm used to seeing. Very pleasant way to spend time on a sunny afternoon. Then went to the pictures, and got back late, so back blipped. Not having much on of an evening at the moment means 4 films seen this week. The Bling Ring - which I wasn't impressed with, seemed very empty and pointless. Chasing Mavericks - quite enjoyed, beautiful surfing shots. Now you see me - really enjoyed this, some fun twists and red herrings. Despicable Me 2 - fantastic, those minions are absolutely amazing. Not so inspired at next week's viewing options though.
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