Wendy's World

By Wendles56

I'm not red but I'm still cute

I couldn't resist fetching the camera when this youngster was criss-crossing the patio in the vain effort to persuade an older squirrel away from the peanuts.  I took pity and tossed him a few pecan nuts, one of which he had sideways in his mouth at one point, very comical.  

As long as I didn't move suddenly, s/he was happy to come up close along the garden bench.

The remainder of the day has been spent on tasks.  The gas man cometh first thing to grease the spindle so now the heating is definitely off!  I switched it back on briefly last week on a particularly nasty, dreich day and then it wouldn't switch off, despite being turned off ??

I've just finished reading 'The Bandit Queens' by Parini Shroff, at times laugh out loud, at others poignant.  It explores the role of women in India, their traditions and rituals, their subservience, their companionship and follows abandoned Geeta as she struggles to make a space for herself in her village by murdering no good husbands (I bet you didn't expect that last bit!)  Next up, a recommendation from a worker in Waterstones, 'Tom Lake'.

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