Wendy's World

By Wendles56

Bee on Loosestrife

I spent much of the morning cleaning the kitchen ahead of the arrival of the electricians and clearing the surfaces.  Just as I sat down with my cuppa on the bench outside the kitchen door after lunch, they arrived and straight away got cracking on replacing the old under cupboard lights with LED strips.  It was becoming increasingly difficult to source the replacement bulbs and the holders were brittle and breaking, so the LEDs are the answer.

After the electricians left I decided to do the grass mowing at the back of the terrace until it was almost time for Rachael to come and make my feet feel wonderful, then I was off to pilates.  

Once again, the evening became the best part of the day so, whilst I waited for dinner to be ready, I took my camera into the garden.  I do love the loosestrife which does its best to take over at this time of year, appearing in the borders, the rockery and our pots.  This year it has come through the crocosmia, which is yet to send out flowers.

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