Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

Woodland walk

I was awake very early this morning, and then got distracted reading the highlights of the various manifestoes of the political parties, and I came to the conclusion that the best election result would be if we could cherry pick certain points from each party and combine them, for the ultimate new government. I never thought I would say this, and while I don't like or support Nigel Farage's views I really like his election manifesto on what he would do with the NHS, at last someone has the guts to tackle the problem head on and change it for the better without just pumping more billions into a failing model. I laughed on the weekend when Adam arrived at Norfolk with printouts of each major political party's full manifesto, some light reading for the weekend he said. At least he will be making an informed vote!

After breakfast I quickly baked some crunchies, a popular SAfrican oat treat that is similar to Anzac biscuits. Then Xena got a long walk through the woods.

After lunch I went to the house of a member of the camera club, he had collected my prints from the close of the exhibition on Saturday as I was away. He did the same for another member so we were both there to collect our prints and we sat in his lovely garden in the sunshine enjoying tea and the crunchies I had baked for him (no crunchies for me as I did not make them GF). We sat outside enjoying the warm weather all afternoon!

Now I am in a rush as Gavin and I are meeting some friends for supper. I spoilt Tommy by cooking supper for him so when he gets home from work he will at least still have dinner even if we are out.

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