
By Grammy


I was awake at 4:30. Read a bit till I fell asleep again, this time until 8:00. Our temps are nasty-hot, so we took the day off. And it is only going to get warmer each day this week; I doubt we’ll be busy outside other than keeping the bird baths full. That was hubby’s focus plus adding water to the fountains. He made a quick trip to the convenience center and returned the wrong grade of motor oil he’d picked up by mistake. I went outside for a few minutes to get a few shots of this zebra butterfly. Luckily, it was on the butterfly bush by our back porch. The kids left pizza here from last night; easy lunch. Parker and his friend Owen stopped by to borrow hubby’s trickle charger. I guess his boat battery died. Chase now drives unaccompanied. He came by to pick up something he left last night and was going to look for a job. Our SIL Chris stopped by to give advice/make a plan to cut down scrub trees whose branches are hanging over our sheds. It is a two person job. Hubby got his chain saw repaired so maybe they can get to that task before our next storm. I will go to Kim’s tomorrow to help with flower centerpieces, etc. Today, I looked at your journals and finished reading a good book. It is set in East Tennessee in towns we are very familiar with which I think adds to the reading enjoyment. Hope you had a quiet day. Stay safe. Thanks for dropping by, especially yesterday and leaving so many hearts, stars and sweet comments. “God bestowed upon nature a beautiful bounty of butterflies only to complete his picture-perfect scape.” – Unknown

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